
Version 2.0.0 of the ClayTracker Pro app contains the latest firmware update for the ShotTracker.

These updates deliver some great new features:
• The ClayTracker Pro app will now store the panoramic videos in the phone’s cache memory. This means that the videos can be replayed later without being connected to the ShotTracker. The cache memory is available unless the app is synced to a different ShotTracker.
• The ShotTracker now has an improved IDLE mode that will place the ShotTracker in low power mode six seconds after you move from a shooting position. This will help extend the battery runtime.
• The ShotTracker camera now has automatic exposure control that will allow the ShotTracker to correctly capture and analyze shots that are in low light or in under the lights situations.
• The Shot Results page in the app now has a blue indicator circle in the upper left corner that indicates that the app is connected and is properly communicating with the ShotTracker. This is equivalent to the blue flash that is seen on the LED when the ShotTracker is properly connected and waiting for a shot.
• The shooter Profile section now supports Side by Side shotgun type.
• In addition to the normal boresight process, a new Auto Boresight button has been added.. The Auto Boresight function needs a full size all orange clay or a full size printout of an all orange clay to execute the boresighting process (See Download section at TakeAimTech for a printable image). Simply put the clay or image on a wall or any flat surface 15 to 40 yards distance. Press the Auto Boresight button and hold the gun stable while the app counts down. A boresight image should appear with a red reticle positioned over the clay. The clay needs to be in the center portion of the camera’s field of view. If it all looks proper, then push the verify button. That’s it, the boresight will be complete. The ShotTracker does an auto range measurement and will use that data to complete the boresight process.
• For Sporting Clay shooters a ReAnalysis button has been added to the Shot Results page in the upper left of the graphic. Pushing this button while connected to the ShotTracker will bring up a menu that will allow you to change the type of clay, the choke or the pellet size. Pushing the submit button will then produce a reanalysis of the shot’s result in about one second. This new result is not saved after viewing. This feature is very useful as an example when a MINI clay is thrown and the profile is setup for a STANDARD clay
• Also, for the Sporting Clays shooter on the Shot Results screen we have added three orange chevrons that indicate the clay’s flight path.
• The SPECIAL shooting game now provides the verbal correction and proper lead announcements for every shot. The user can mute/unmute this audio by pushing the speaker buttons on the Shot Details page. This SPECIAL shooting games is for our customers that want a verbose complete feedback for their shooting experience.
• The Cloud has arrived! After registering in the ClayTracker Cloud Beta Test Program (see highlighted section below), the Cloud Sign In button on the ShotTracker page of the app enables the new user login. When logged in, all the shots of the new sessions will be uploaded and available on the ClayTracker Cloud dashboard from any Internet connected computer/tablet. – MUCH MORE TO COME ON THIS!
• As usual, the clay detection algorithms in the ShotTracker have been improved since the last release.
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On the Shot Results screen press the “PANO”  button on the bottom right side of the Shot Results graph. The imagery covers one second before trigger pull, trigger pull (green bordered frame) and 0.5 seconds after trigger pull. Touching the screen stops the playback and enables on screen control Backwards – Play – Forwards. The ShotTracker must be ON and connected via WiFi to the smart device running the ClayTracker Pro app to see the imagery.

As of July 2023 a new version of ShotTracker firmware has been released that has enhanced shot processing for cluttered backgrounds.  To get your ShotTracker updated download the latest ClayTracker Pro app (Version 1.3.0)  from your smartphone store and follow these directions. ShotTracker Update

The ShotTracker has not been configured.  You need to: a) complete a Shooter Profile, b) get a boresight preformed for that Profile, and c) start a New Session using that Profile.

The “Shot Detection Threshold” may be set too low. Inside the ClayTracker application, from the Home page go to the “ShotTracker” page. If the detection threshold is low (between 0 and 20), raise the detection threshold by 10. NOTE: you must be connected to the ShotTracker for this change to take effect. If this does not correct the problem, raise the threshold some more until the false 2nd shot detections stop.

Yes, it is very important. When starting a New Session you are prompted to select “What you are shooting today?”. The options are  sporting clays, skeet, trap and other. Each clay sport disciple has it rules for processing shot results. For example, in skeet no clay target is analyzed beyond 42 yards as that is out of bounds for skeet.  If you selected skeet and were actually shooting sporting clays, none of your long shots over 42 yards would be analyzed. So be sure and select the proper clay sport for what you are shooting.


The maximum torque that can be applied to the hex mounting screw is 15 in-lbs.

The “Shot Detection Threshold” may be set too high. Inside the ClayTracker application, from the Home page go to the “ShotTracker” page. If the detection threshold is high (higher than 60), lower the detection threshold by 10. NOTE: you must be connected to the ShotTracker for this change to take effect. If this does not correct the problem, lower the threshold some more until the shot is detected.

Check your boresight.

Start a New Session using the “Other” option in the What are you shooting today? field. Next, shoot several  position seven, low house targets on a skeet range. If you are aiming at the clay, then the clay icon and the red boresight reticle on the Results page should be in the center of the green circle. If the clay icon and the red reticle are centered in the green circle, then you need to check your shotgun and ammo at a pattern board to see that your POI is correct and that your ammo/choke combination is producing a uniform pattern. Inexpensive ammo can sometimes have “holes’ or “gaps” in the pellet pattern distribution.

Download the ClayTracker Pro application from your Apple or Android store. Place fresh batteries in the ShotTracker unit and note the SSID and PASSWORD marked on the battery door, then turn the unit on. Go to Settings on your smart phone and select Wi-Fi connectivity. Look for and SSID that you noted from the battery door label. Select that SSID and enter the PASSWORD. Exit Setting and launch the ClayTracker application. Select the ShotTracker button on the Home page. The ShotTracker page should show you are connected. Also, when the ClayTracker application is connected to the ShotTracker, the blue LED on the ShotTracker will flash every few seconds to indicate the two are connected.
On the Profiles page the active Profile’s button will have an orange border around it. From the Results page you can select the Profile button in the lower left hand corner to be taken to the active Profile.
During a session to make Profile changes to the Profile you are using (i.e. change a choke, change ammo, select a different clay target type….), go to the Profile button at the bottom on the Results page (NOTE: Make sure you are connected to the ShotTracker). That will take you to the Profile currently in use and allow you to enter Edit Profile mode. Once your edits are complete, select the Back button. Confirm your changes are correct. Then press Back again to return to the Results page. Your changes will take effect on the very next shot.

If you are making adjustments to a Profile and those changes are not being reflected in your Shot Results, you might not be editing the active Profile being used in the Current Session.
To make Profile changes to the Profile you are using during a session, edit the Profile from the Results page. (See FAQ – How do I make Profile changes during a shooting session?)

To boresight the ShotTracker to your shotgun, turn on the ShotTracker, launch the ClayTracker application and select Profile from the Home page. Next select from the list the Profile corresponding to your shotgun. Determine what object you want to use for your boresighting target (i.e. the top corner of the high house, the back corner of the trap house….). With the ShotTracker firmly mounted to your shotgun (turned on with a green LED), press the Set Boresight button on the Profile page. Stabilize the shotgun while aiming at the boresight target and press the Begin Boresight button. Keep the shotgun stabilized on the boresight target for 5 seconds until the ClayTracker application “beeps”.

Next zoom in on the boresight image and touch your boresight aiming point to place a red reticle on the aim point. When the reticle is properly place press the Continue button.

Now enter the distance from where you were standing while boresighting the shotgun to the boresight aim point in yards. Then enter the distance from the ShotTracker lens to the end of the shotgun’s muzzle in inches. Finally enter the distance from the muzzle of the shotgun to the far end of the butt stock in inches. Press the Done button to complete the boresighting.

See Videos by Paul and Gil on boresighting in our Experts section.

On the Results pages for any Shot Result, you can press the Shot Detail icon (the orange clay target on the bottom right side of the page0. This will pop up a page that shows all of that shot’s details including: Choke, Pellet Size, oz., Load, Pellet Type, Muzzle Velocity and Clay Target Type. Press the Close button to exit this screen.
Check and make sure that your phone is not set for a VPN connection on WiFi.

The SmartShot software inside the ShotTracker incorporates several different image processing techniques to find the clay target in your shot. On bright days with clear blue sky the software will process your shot in a few seconds. For cluttered backgrounds (Tree and bushes) or rabbit clay rolling through an orange debris field, more advance image processing is evoked and the processing of the shot can take up to ten seconds. If after thirty seconds the shot cannot be processed, the software responds with “Shot Detected – No Clay Found”. So, every once in a while, you might have a shot that cannot be analyzed.

Currently the ShotTracker does not handle night time clay shooting. We are working on that and anticipate having a solution in an upcoming software update.

The L16340 battery charger will recharge up to four rechargeable Lithium CR123 batteries. The charger plugs into a standard USB charging port.

Each charging slot has four LED indicators. When all four LEDs are on constantly (no flashing) that battery is full charged. If all four LEDs flash continuously when a battery is placed in the charger, the charger could not start the charging process (the battery was very depleted). Remove the battery and place it in a different slot for charging. If the battery does not begin to charge, it has reached its end of life, please discard / recycle appropriately.

As the battery is charging, once it has reached 25% charge the bottom LED will stay on and the LED next to the bottom will begin to flash. This sequence will continue as the battery reaches 50% and 75% charge levels. One the battery is completely charged all four LEDS will be constant on.

This is normal. When you are connected to the ShotTracker, you will not have access to the Internet over Wi-Fi. You will have Internet access on your smart phone via cellular data if that service is available based on cellular coverage.

All of the Shot Results and Simple Panoramic images are store in the ShotTracker’s onboard memory. When a smart phone or tablet is connected to the ClayTracker Pro app, the app “syncs” with the ShotTracker and downloads all of the Shot Results History. This allows for multiple different smart phones/tablets to be used with the ShotTracker.

To view the Simple Panoramic imagery, the ShotTracker must be on and the ClayTracker Pro app connected as this imagery is not stored permanenetly on the smart phone. 

When you use the DELETE feature in the History Page to delete a session, it is deleting the information from the ShotTracker unit as well as the smart phone.

The area inside the green circle represents the region where there is a greater than 90% probability of breaking the clay. This means that for 9 out of 10 shots in the green the clay will break. It is also true that 1 out of 10 times it will not break.

Clays in the purple ring have a 5% probability of breaking. Clays that are on the outer edge of the purple ring and beyond have a less than 5% chance of breaking.

If your ShotTracker and ClayTracker Pro app are not communicating.

  1. insure that in your smart phone settings your WiFi is connected to the ShotTracker (ST_xxxxxxxx)
  2. Start the ClayTracker application and select the ShotTracker button on the Home Screen.
  3. If the page says Connected, but the ShotTracker Information button is greyed out the database is not in sync between the ShotTracker and the app.
    1. Try terminating the ClayTracker application and rebooting the ShotTracker the restarting the app.
    2. If that does not clear the issue, on the ShotTracker page press the Factory Reset button. This will clear the database and turn the unit off.
  4. Turn the ShotTracker back on, connect the WiFi, and restart the ClayTracker app.
  5. Go to the ShotTracker page. You should be Connected  and all of the buttons enabled (not greyed out)

Yes, the ShotTracker automatically handles pairs/doubles.  Any shot taken within 10 seconds of the previous shot is processed as a second shot. The Results audio will be preceded by “Shot Two…”

  1. For Continental trap, select Trap for you shooting sport when starting a session and set the Clay Type in your Profile to Standard.
  2. For Olympic trap, select Trap for your shooting sport when starting a session and set the Clay Type in your Profile for International.
  3. For Bunker Trap, select Trap for your shooting sport when starting a session and set the Clay Type in your Profile for International.
  • When you look at the Simple Panoramic imagery on a “No Clay Found” Shot Result and you are seeing the ground or your feet, your shot detection threshold is set too low. The breach closure is giving you a false trigger.  Go to the main menu on the ClayTracker app and select the ShotTracker button. Move the slider on the Detection Threshold higher (try 10 point increments) until the false triggers stop.
  • When you look at the Simple Panoramic imagery on a “No Clay Found” Shot Result and you see green screen images, you are taking your shot before the ShotTracker’s LED turns constant green.  The camera is not completely powered up exiting Ideal Mode.  To correct this issue, when getting ready for your shot, wait until the LED turns constant green.

If you turn on your ShotTracker and the Red  flashing LED does not turn off after 15 seconds, the onboard computer did not initialize properly. Press and hold the On/Off button for 10 seconds (make sure to press the center on the button) until the flashing Red LED goes from slow flash to fast flash then release the button.

The ShotTracker should now be off. If it does not turn off repeat the process above again.

Once the ShotTracker is off, you may turn it back on by pressing the On/Off button.

First of all the ShotTracker holds all of the shot results data. A copy of that data is synced (uploaded) to the ClayTracker app when the app connects to the ShotTracker and a syncing process occurs. The only way shot results data is ever deleted is if you Delete a Shooting Session using the History menu or a Factory Reset is performed on the ShotTracker.

If your phone has been connected to a different ShotTracker (Unit #2), the next time you connect to your ShotTracker (Unit #1) you will get the prompt “Different ShotTracker Connected – Would You like to sync?”  By answering “Yes”, the shot results data from your ShotTracker (Unit #1)  will be synced “uploaded” into your ClayTracker app.

Next your will be prompted “Are you sure? – This will overwrite all current app data!”  By answering yes, all of the data from your ShotTracker (Unit #1) will be uploaded to your ClayTracker app replacing (overwriting) the shot results data from the previous ShotTracker (Unit #2).


Sub-gauge barrel pads to support 20 ga., 28 ga., and 410 bore shotgun barrels are now in stock. Call or email us to get a set free of charge.

Installing and Fitting the Sub-12 ga. Barrel Pads

The sub-12 ga. pads swap out with the regular 12 ga. barrel pads to allow the ShotTracker to fit 20 ga., 28 ga., and 410 bore barrels. We recommend the following configurations. But in the end customers can use what they feel best fits their actual barrel diameter.

  • For regular 12 ga. barrels use the two 12 ga. barrel pads
  • For 20 ga. to 16 ga. size barrels use one 12 ga. barrel pad on the fixed side of the mount and
    a sub-12 ga. barrel pad on the moving side of the barrel mount.
  • For 28 ga. to 410 bore barrels use two sub-12 ga. barrel pads.


Yes, ShotTracker does helice. When starting a new shooting session, select “Helice” from the list of games. It is between Trap and Special in the list.

Recent Android operating system updates have added a feature where by if the WiFi connection does not connect to the Internet the WiFi connection is dropped.

To overcome this follow the following steps:

1) On your phone go to the WiFi setting page and FORGET the ShotTracker SSID if one is listed.
2) Now, turn on your ShotTracker and once it is up and running, go to the WiFi settings on your phone.
3) Reconnect to the ShotTracker (you will need the password from the battery door).
4) The phone will ask some questions (Hopefully). When prompted tell it to keep this ShotTracker connection up even if there is no Internet connection.
5) It should now connect and stay connected.
6) Now start the ClayTracker Pro app and answer “yes” to the prompts as the program starts and syncs with the ShotTracker.
7) You should now get a blue flash on the LED every five seconds to indicate that the ShotTracker is connected to the phone

The grid display on the Results graph is a toggle function. Press anywhere on the graph thatis not a button or text field and the grid will toggle between being On or Off for each touch.

Never Miss Another Target.

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