Gil ash
Gil and his wife Vicki are both NSCA Level III coaches and have been professional shooting coaches for 31 years. Gil has co-author 16 books and countless articles in magazines worldwide. The Ashes are the shot gunning editors for Safari Magazine, contributing editors for Clay target Nation, and shooting editors for Sporting Clay Magazine.

Gil and Vicki’s OSP Knowledge Vault website houses their extensive collection of books, articles, and videos. Gil is the authority on chokes and shot shell efficiency do to his research and his shot spread analysis that has become the gold standards in the industry.
If you want to know the bottom line to consistent achievement in hitting a moving target with a shotgun you need to look no further than Gil Ash.
Learn more about Gil at OSP Shooting School
Paul Giambrone, III

Paul “L.P.” Giambrone, III has been involved in skeet shooting for over 30 years. During that time period, he has won 25 World Championships and has shot 30 400x400s (2 were shooting all 410 targets). Paul has amassed numerous national title over the years.
Over the past two decades, he has been the Captain of the Open All-American team several times. He is also the youngest person to be inducted into the NSSA HOF. Paul now travels across North America giving lessons and trains shooter to meet their personal goals. Anything from being a better shotgun shooter to winning a World Title and everything in between.
Learn more about Paul at Giambrone Shooting Clinics
Richard Marshall JR.

Richard, a 31-Time All-American and 4-Time Grand American World Champion, is a shooting instructor and head shooting coach at Doane University. To learn more about Richard visit RM Shooting Clinics